Thinking Of Wedding Receptions Ideas And Photos

If you are getting married or are helping someone plan a wedding, you may be concerned about making the reception and the subsequent photos unique. You want a creative wedding reception and photo idea, but you do not want it to be too “out there.” You want your wedding to be interesting and fun, but not to be seen as strange or too crazy. When thinking of wedding reception ideas and photos, make sure to consider a few things.

Tip One: Think Of The Guests

If you want unique and interesting wedding reception ideas and photos, you may tend to be thinking of some truly crazy ideas. Maybe you want to turn the reception hall into a casino and have pictures taken with slot machines or craps tables. However, you have to think of the other people that are going to be there. Do you have a large portion of your family that is against gambling in all forms? If so, you may not want to do a gambling themed wedding because many of them may not be able to come as it goes against their beliefs. Instead, try something a little tamer like a video game theme. You could have some large older video games set up like an arcade. That would be an interesting wedding reception idea and photo!

Tip Two: Know Your Limits

When thinking of wedding reception ideas and the photos, you may be thinking big and bold. But what if you are on a limited budget, or have a limited time to set up the hall? If you have all week to set up a reception hall, you can do many unique and interesting things. However, if you have four hours the day of the event, you may want to keep your reception toned down. Even with a toned down, lower budget wedding reception, you can still come up with some great wedding reception ideas and photos. Even a classic and elegant wedding reception when executed properly can be beautiful and memorable. Some of the most memorable wedding receptions have been so simply for their elegance, simplicity, and grace, not their wild themes or crazy and creative concepts!

Tip Three: Think Of Your Spouse

When coming up with a wedding reception idea and photos for the reception, make sure that you are not thinking only of yourself. Many brides and grooms start to think of themselves as the center of attention and leave their soon to be spouse out in the cold. Instead, make sure that you collaborate on what type of photos you want and what type of reception you want. When you both are in agreement, you can proceed and have a beautiful, creative, and fun wedding reception!