Garden Wedding Reception Photography Ideas

A reception is a great place to catch people interacting with each other candidly. Garden wedding reception photography is doubly interesting and inspired because of the location of the reception. While indoor receptions in staid rooms and restaurants can be a lot of fun, garden receptions can be very natural. Garden reception wedding photography can be very natural (what with the abundance of natural light) and appear very comfortable and easy. Wedding photography can be an inspiration for many photographers since wedding usually has beautiful, sentimental moments.

Daytime Reception

Garden wedding reception photography usually comes out very well in natural day light. There is also a lot of possible shots for use in garden wedding reception photography. The photographer can usually surmise what kind of light brings out the natural colors and tones of the bride and groom, as well as those of the members of the wedding entourage. Garden wedding reception photography need not be tricky especially if there is much natural light that the photographer can work with.

The backgrounds of the garden wedding reception photography session are almost always green or colorful due to the myriads of flowers available for the garden wedding reception. Photographers can take portrait shots of the newly weds with a hazy background of the greenery or the colorful flowers. A suggestion for garden wedding reception photography is to have either the bride or groom (or both) pose among the many flowers or plants that are sure to be abundant in an outdoor reception area. Even a well manicured lawn can appear beautiful if the photographer is inspired enough to take pictures of a lot of angles.

Nighttime Reception

Garden wedding reception photography can be a challenged when the reception is held at night. There is no natural light that the photographer can take advantage of and there is a lot of shadows and artificial light to contend with while taking pictures. The use of artificial light to light up the reception area can also help in the garden wedding reception photography. Plants and flowers will not be as easy to photograph since it is not so bright in the gardens. Tiki torches or those of similar spectrum of light can help to create a romantic and festive ambience.

These garden wedding reception photography ideas are well meaning suggestion sot help the bridal and groom improve their wedding pictures as well as for the photographer, to improve on his perception.